$0.96 $0.48
High-tensile brace pin 10 inches. They are used to attach horizontal brace posts to upright brace post assemblies. 10 galvanized brace pins. Used in vertical brace posts to keep braces solid. Fits 3 8 hole for easy installation.
$33 $16.50
Poultry Netting 1 x 48 x 50 hex Chicken Wire
$143 $71.50
Poultry Netting galvanized before weaving. has double cable salvage for extra strength. a strong rigid fabric that can be streached tightly without distortion, a strong, rigid non slip lock-twist produces an accurately sized true hexagon mesh that holds it s shape.
$25 $12.50
GALVANIZED CAGE WIRE Galvanized welded wire fabric. Designed for most cage requirements.
$199 $99.50
For use wherever an inexpensive or temporary fence is required. Also used for: Play Yards, Pet Cages, Poultry Platforms, Wire Partitions, Stock Shelf Backing, Concrete Patio Reinforcing, etc.
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