Basagran 2.5 gal Herbicide Discount
$101.50Labeled for corn, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans Common rate 1 pint – 1 qt per acre Use crop oil conc or coc and uan 44% bentazon. Read label
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Labeled for corn, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans Common rate 1 pint – 1 qt per acre Use crop oil conc or coc and uan 44% bentazon. Read label
Harmony Extra allows growers to customize their control. When tank-mixed with other suitable registered herbicides, Harmony Extra adds reliable post-emergence control of key broadleaf weeds, including buttercup, mayweed and wild mustard, in wheat, barley and triticale, post-harvest burndown, pre-plant burndown and fallow. Plus, with shorter plant-back intervals for fields to be rotated to cotton, field…
Metricor 75 DF Metribuzin. Standard rates of application are between 1 3 and 1 1 3 lb per acre. The most common application rate is 2 3 lb per acre. Read and follow labeled directions. Generics of this include Glory, Tricor, Sencor, Rancor, and others. We sell more than one brand name under this item. …
Peak is a proven tool for growers of field corn, grain sorghum and small grains for broadleaf weed control and crop safety in spring and winter wheat and barley. Spray corn when it is between 4 and 30” tall with surfactant. .5 -1 oz A common spray rate. Read and follow label directions. 57% Prosulfuron. …
Pendulum Aquacap 2.5 GL Preemergence Weed Control 38.7% Pendimethalin
Recommended for preemergence use, Lexar® EZ is used for control of most annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in field corn, seed corn, sweet corn, yellow popcorn and grain sorghum. This is a restricted use pesticide license that requires a pesticide license for purchase. S-Metolachlor, Atrazine and Mesotrione. Water required within 7 days of application.
Preemergent herbicide for annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in beans, canola, peas, peanuts, safflower, soybeans, sunflowers.
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